Wednesday, August 25, 2010


"I could have easily had a love marriage considering my position and good looks, but I chose to go for an arranged marriage", said he.

I was aghast at the blatant overestimation of his extra-eligible self. Immediately my inner self was divided into two, one dressed in white with a halo and the other in black with horns."Don't fall for this guy, his ego is bigger than his head and his tummy put together", said the haloed one . "Are you kidding me? Marriage with him? Over my DEAD Body!", reiterated the hor.. err I mean the black one.

For once, both the voices inside my head did not disagree and so I was elated.

"Everyone wants to have a 'love marriage', it's only those who don't end up having one start concentrating on the advantages of an 'arranged marriage' so to say. I think it's a bad case of sour grapes", I blurted out in my usual cheeky way.

Fortunately or unfortunately he didn't understand the 'sour grapes' part and the conversation drifted off to what his favourite fruit was...

I so wanted to throw him out of the room where we were made to sit by our over indulgent parents that I started fishing for controversial topics where I could openly disagree with him. "You studied in a 'boys' school', have you ever found it difficult to strike up a conversation with a girl?" I asked faking innocence.

With his chest bulging from 42 to a sudden 62 inches, he replied, " Oh that has never been a problem with me you see. I was always a smart chap. Infact, when a friend of mine got engaged a few months back I told him to get to know the girl better. I told him 'Idiot! if you don't speak to her now how will you speak to her after marriage?Do you expect me to go and strike a conversation with her on YOUR Wedding Night???' Aahhahahaha!"

Yikes!!! that was just too much for my fragile sensitivity to digest. I lost all the will to differ. "I think we should end this here. I don't think we are suitable for each other", said I suddenly getting up. I couldn't even bear to look at him for another moment.

Lots of unpleasantries were exchanged after that and to save myself and you from the ordeal of remembering and knowing them I'd stop this account here. I was grounded for a month for the misbehaviour. I consider it as a very small price that I paid for saving myself from Life Sentence for Murder!